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Talk:Jean-Bédel Bokassa

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yo i did this page if anyone thinks its shit tell me, personally i think its work of art. 17:57, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

From Pee Review[edit]

Humour: 7 AIeeeeee......BRAINMELT! I see political satire that does not refrence Tony Blair, Al Gore, or John Howard. I don't know how to cope! Actually this is pretty funny in spots.
Concept: 8 Actually an interesting topic on a notable African...uh, head of state. This is quite a refreshing change of pace.
Prose and formatting: 4 Another article that, like La Sap, seems to be written by someone who's first language is not standard Brit-Yank-Ozzie English. That's OK, but realize that for an English article this needs some work.
Images: 6 Well, some images are appropriate, some are not. I don't like cartoon images mixed in with realistic ones -- the "Bokassa I on the set of Captain Planet" doesn't fit. The final one, the ketchup superimposed on the human remains, is a savagely satirical comment on human rights in Africa.
Miscellaneous: 8 I like this idea. The execution needs help, but...well, see the endnotes.
Final Score: 33
Reviewer: ----OEJ 02:52, 25 February 2007 (UTC)


Someone needs to help with the writing. The idea of including French phrases is good -- I've done similar things in some articles -- but they might look better italicized.

One of the things about an IntarWeb Wiki is that the whole fucking world can contribute. SHAZAAAM! Like Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia can showcase the views not only of Westernized clones controlled by the soft-core porn that passes for television/radio/commerce-Web programming but also the views of people outside MemeLand.

(Or, to be more accurate, people who exist in MemeLands outside the VidKid, NewRock, MSNBC/Fox, LitCrit, and similar manufactured-culture thought-control systems.)

The point being, we have the power to address reality as seen from an African, or Indian, or Brazilian perspective. We are not limited unless we choose to limit ourselves.

(This is where everyone sticks their fists in the air and shouts "Viva Zapatos! Viva la Revalución!" and then puts a torch to the Yahoo and MSN servers.)

Anyways, I would like to see articles like this one and La Saps receive encouragement. Yes, the English prose is not of the finest weave...but that can be remedied. Encyclopedia Dramatica is already a foetid sump of VidKid pr0n-culture, and Uncyclopedia can go the same route. Or we can encourage innovation and variety, and an actual world consciousness. Viva Zapatos!

(That means "Live the Shoes" I think.)

I go now, mes amis, to eat some raw organic hemp fiber and meditate on World Consciousness. Long live the shoes! ----OEJ 02:52, 25 February 2007 (UTC)