So what?

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Someone on this picture: These people were probably killed after they took the picture.
Me: So what, man??!! I don't care. I'm not impressed by this. Fuck, man!!! They're gross!
Dentist: I'm going to have to break all of your teeth. Don't know why, but it makes sense.
Me: So what? Go ahead, I don't care.
Someone: You live here? You actually live here? (laughs)
Me: So what, man? Got any problem?
Someone: No man, chill.
Me: Or what, want me to break your neck, ha bitch!
Someone: Fuck you. I'm leaving!
Me: So what?
Bush's bodyguard: Mr. President, they destroyed those big buildings you like.
Bush: So what? I'm not done reading this here book to these here children. You gonna tell me that's more important? Fuck you!
America: We found his ass!!!
Everyone else: So what?