Lake Sodor

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Lake Sodor, located at Hawin on Sodor island and founded by Henry the Green Engine, used to be a lake, but thanks to Donald and Douglas the x2 Engines, all that exists at the site now is a makeshift ice rink. There is also lots of junk in the lake, so it was probably for the better that the twins eventually froze it over.

The lake's founder, Henry the Green Engine, at Lake Sodor in 1972
Lake Sodor as of 2024


One night in 1958, while taking a goods train, a green, drunk train named Henry was stopped near the future site of Lake Sodor by a red signal, a sign and Edward the blue engine moaning. Henry ignored these warnings and he and his crew soon fell off a unsafe viaduct, and Henry was so heavy the ground sank, thus creating the hole that would eventually become Lake Sodor. In 1962, after James the Red Engine spilled waters tankers while passing the hole in the ground and flooded the hole, it officially became recognized as a lake. However, since 1973, the lake became smellier and smellier each year due to pollution, and tourism soon dropped. This was likely due to the lake being located right next door to Sodor Nuclear Power Plant. Then came January 2, 2004: Donald and Douglas threw a reinforced titanium box with Kim Possible inside, who they had captured, into Lake Sodor, and froze over the water in the lake so that Kim would never get out. She soon drowned and was replaced by a clone for the remainder of her TV show's run. Donald and Douglas were fired after the accident but got their jobs back a month later. To this day, no one has bothered to unfreeze Lake Sodor, likely due to how polluted it had become by the time Donald and Douglas froze it over, and it's likely it's now even more polluted under that ice.

Junk found inside Lake Sodor[edit]

  • Various discarded train parts
  • Nuclear waste and barrels (Naturally)
  • A three-eyed-fish
  • The "Spiteful Brakevan"
  • A top hat
  • The reinforced titanium box with the corpse of Kim Possible inside.