HowTo:Get your article tagged NRV

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With all the effortless wit and ineffible wisdom that flows naturally through any keyboard hooked up to a Wiki via teh InterWebs, it is sometimes difficult to find a poorly written article on Uncyclopedia. Hence, the question on every n00b's lips is: "How can I trick the admins into thinking my latest masterpiece is an unpolished turd?" A plethora of tactics may be employed, but for the sake of brevity, we will explore a mere myriad. Still, they should suffice to earn your article the coveted stamp of No Redeeming Value.

Ensure that your article is a list (or a list of lists) and not really an actual article[edit]

You may do this:

  • to avoid typing.
  • to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome
  • because you are a lazy fatass.

Avoid the use of pictures[edit]

Thank Goodness there is no picture here!

If you must include links, make sure they are broken[edit]

Red links call attention to themselves like no others.


Avoid proper formating[edit]

      • the use
  • of
          • strange indentation
    • is often a sign of poetic
        • genious. -- ee cummings

Adopt a vulgar or patronizing tone, you dumbfuck[edit]

Give the reader the impression that your article is unfinished[edit]




“A quote might do the trick”

~ Oscar Wilde on NRV



Give the reader the impression that your article is a series of after-thoughts[edit]


P.S. Be stupid and not merely homorous[edit]





