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Welcome to Uncyclopedia, the article-free encyclopedia that no one has got around to edit.

Sophia has inspired us to work on 0 articles since opening January 2005.

Please create a Beginner's Guide and The Big Five.

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This article has been intentionally left blank
Except for this message box claiming blankness
Which is probably just a figment of your imagination anyway
Why don't you go somewhere else and stop worrying about it! Ya paranoid.

Did you know...


In the news

No news is good news.

On this day...

March 28: The Most Unnoteable Day in History.


Featured picture


We haven't received any uploaded images yet. Could you do us a favour and upload something. We'll take anything. Maybe even a shock image. (On second thought, no.)

Image Credit: No user

Recent Articles

El Zilcho.

Writer of the Month

This award goes to an unexisting member of the community, No User. By not making any contrubutes whatsoever, they haven't fucked up the site in any way. Good show.