Uncyclopedia talk:VFH/Russian reversal (phenomenon)

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From "Comments"[edit]

  • I do not feel strongly enough to vote, but I do feel that the prose could use work. For instance, "When the inexplicable 'why?' is, however, not as ably explained by campfire stories, and is still shrouded in mystery as a result" is a sentence that could use some clarity. ----OEJ 17:49, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
  • Abs nothing special. And why must everything on Uncyclopedia have unknown origins? Surely we can be somewhat more creative (or could at least have a good joke that works with not knowing the origins of a subject you're supposed to be writing an article about). --THINKER 18:13, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
    • Because, my friend, I suck. There, I said it.-Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 20:24, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
      • No, no, not that. It's just the Writer's Pitfall: "I need to get on with the story, so I'll gloss over the origins bit." Don't fall in the pit! It's a pitfall! Take the time to think of something specific, and non-cliché, and funny even! We know you can do it, because you have writted many guud ardickles already! ----OEJ 23:13, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
        • Abstain - I very muchly agree with both OEJ and The Thinker. Icons-flag-au.png Sir Cs1987 UOTM. t. c 03:29, 12 August 2007 (UTC)
          • I believe I explained why it had unknown origins. It's not because I was being lazy, it's because the scientists studying Russian Reversal experienced a Russian Reversal. Then, I go on to explain that it's due to communism, though this is not official because of the aforementioned travesty. Isn't that rather non-cliché?-Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk) 15:51, 12 August 2007 (UTC)
            • Sorry...that whole paragraph is difficult for me to comprehend. What, exactly, was the RR which the scientists experienced? They started out "We are studying the origin of RRs" and got reversed to "In Russia, RRs study the origin of YOU!"? But...why would that make them unable to continue...it would be a statement about what the RRs were doing, and not about the will or intent of the scientists. And how does that justify the subsequent generalization "As such, all belief is speculative and should not be taken seriously"? This is actually a fine Greek-philosopher-style assertion (pure logic cannot prove that logic is trustworthy, for instance, and Parmenides went further and held that you cannot prove that any knowledge is trustworthy...which from the standpoint of pure logic is a pretty unassailable position...) but how does that statement tie in to the scientists' experience? A RR does not negate knowledge, it merely states that the subject and object are reversed in Russia. I really really don't mean to be a snothole, but it is very difficult for me to understand some parts of this piece. ----OEJ 01:10, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
        • I think you got the concept mixed up, OEJ. The page Lj wrote has absolutely nothing to do with Yakov Smirnov's jokes. It's about people instantly and for no reason switching their stance or opinion on something; for example, a liberal would become conservative, a lier would become honest, etc. At least that was how I understood it. P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 01:14, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
  • Abstain I can't understand a word of it. PULL YOUR PROSE TOGETHER LJ! -RAHB 07:59, 12 August 2007 (UTC)