Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Whales on Mars

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Whales on Mars[edit]

Humour: 5 The way you build up the silly idea one problem at a time has a humourous effect. It would be funnier if you were a bit more creative in your descriptions. e.g., "When the scientists realized that the whales were starving, they held several conferences debating what to feed the animals, with ideas ranging from carrot sticks to starfish to chicken cordon blue - they finally compromised on Ritz crackers with a diet of cream cheese. It only occurred to one of the scientists months later that they might have tried whale food."
Concept: 7 The idea is a good one: satirizing space exploration agencies such as NASA that keep spending billions of dollars and making stupid mistakes.
Prose and formatting: 6 Good formatting; needs more links. The sentences are rather short. Expanding upon your ideas would add creativity and lengthen your sentences.
Images: 5 I liked the tic-tac-toe one.
Miscellaneous: 5 Try to be a little less repetitive. Each problem indicated the same thing - how many days it took them to find a solution, etc.
Final Score: 28 A pretty good effort.
Reviewer: Sir Roger 05:51, 9 June 2007 (UTC)