Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/User:Shabidoo/HowTo:Understand and deal with pretentious people

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User:Shabidoo/HowTo:Understand and deal with pretentious people[edit]

Prose Concept Humour Images Misc Score Summary

Reviewer details:[edit]

A little bit about the reviewer before we start.

My dog's breath smells like dog food. 

Prose and Formatting:[edit]

How good does it look and how well does it read? 8.7


Writing style

An over the top and extremely intellectual approach tone makes it an intelligent and encyclopaedic piece. To be completely honest I ran this through plagiarism checkers before I went too far with reviewing as the way this reads is so smoothly polished and presented it seems surprising that this has been done in such a short time period. 

I'm extremely impressed by the way this reads. It has the wit and intellect of an Oscar Wilde or Stephen Fry piece, while still being at a reading level that is accessible to most of the readership. 


A couple of minor issues, but they relate to slang and regional spellings. I'd spell it "poncy" myself, and I think you meant millimetre (or millimeter for US). As I said, minor polish stuff. 


Given the tone of the piece I'd suggest removing the passive voice verbs. Not an issue in most cases, but given this is a higher tone grammar it would be better to be a little more fussy. 


Too blocky. For your examples I'd actually use an unordered list (preface with *) rather than keeping in the sane paragraph and running it into them. It does make it easier to read and given that these are subpoints or illustrations of the main paragraph it gives a neater delineator. 

Overall appearance

Looks good. Again I love the tone. For the sake of the irony I would try and make it read as over the top intellectual as I could. 


How good an idea is behind the article? 7.8

Very recognizable issue that many, if not all, could relate to, which makes it perfect fodder for comedy. 

It's been a while since I dragged out my comedy theories but why this succeeds is that it is an instantly recognizable concept, and as it mentions in HTBFANJS, all comedy comes from status change. 


How funny is it? Why is it funny? How can it be funnier? 7.2

Not as many laugh out loud moments as I would have liked, but the wry humour in here doesn't easily lend itself to subverting expectations without breaking the overall tone. Of course, breaking the overall tone and subverting expectations is not always a bad thing in comedy. 

Of course the delightful irony that this is an attempt to bring a class of people down to one's level by giving oneself superior airs is fantastic. 

And I obviously have become affected in my own writing after reading this piece, so to bring myself back to my normal level, I have to say 8======)~~ lolcats. 


How are the images? Are they relevant, with good quality and formatting? 8.3

Good selection, well captioned. I'd suggest moving the Rochefort image though, as it seems a little clunky where it is. (I'm assuming it's Rochefort.)


The article's overall quality - that indefinable something. 8

I really did enjoy this - much more than I thought I would from the title. Well worth the read. 

Final score[edit]

Final Score


An overall summation of the article.

I have to go. I have a migraine in my left eye. 

This was a PEE review by Pup 01:59 08 Feb '11