Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/User:Mahm00shA (quick)

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Mahm00shA kills you! 16:35, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

I'll try to get this tonight --Mnb'z 18:30, 6 March 2009 (UTC)
Ok.. You see, Im somewhat new here, and I just need to know if the style I write in is suitable for creating a decent non-huffable article.. Please feel free to positively criticize the crap out of my work!

Oh.. also, any "tips" on wiki markup language will come in handy, coz as you can see, the page is plain text

Smokin Cheddar BBQ.jpg
Smokin Cheddar BBQ.jpg

This article has been stamped for Pee Review by the Almighty Smokin' Cheddar BBQ.

Oh and glad to see you're a fellow metalhead.--Smokin' Cheddar BBQ: The King of the Triangular Snackfoods 00:17, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

Humour: 4 First off, the super-puper-duper thing has gots to go. That being said...

The user-page is sort of funny. Seeing as it's not an actual article, there is no specific advice I can give you. But I can give general statements about your writing style, such as: +lists are funny, as long as they are not TOO long, as some of yours seem to be.
+The writing seems a little bit basic, try to work on specific styles rather than just stand-up comedy type of humor. This'll make more sense if you read some articles, most have they're own specific themes and such.
+Some of the stuff seems like it needs work on. Try to avoid things such as ...*suspense*..., Stay tuned, etc. as they can get annoying and make the article amateur-ish. Try to make it like 1. A real article, Wikipedia-ish but completely false. 2. Stupid, Make it look like an idiot wrote it, but in a professional way of course, 3. Something else, there is a long list of options, read around and find a style that fits you (or a specific article that you are writing.)
+Don't overuse AAAAAAA
+Don't contradict yourself
+Avoid tacky jokes such as John Fuck Kennedy, random swearing isn't always funny
+The trivia part just isn't very funny at all.
+The {USername} thing is funny in some cases
+AVoid quotes that have nothing to do with the topic, limit the amount of them, and place them at the top of the article
+Be Funny And Not Just Stupid

Concept: 2 There isn't really a concept here, just you talking about yourself. Concept is like the theme of the article I mentioned above. Work on this, it needs much improvement.
Prose and formatting: 1 +Work on grammar

+Go easy on the bolding
+Capitalize titles and names
+Make subtitles with two "=" signs on each side

Images: 0 No images. You seem to know how to do a lot of stuff, I'm assuming (correct me if I'm wrong) you know how to insert images. Get those in there. People don't read articles made up of just words.
Miscellaneous: 3 Same as above
Final Score: 10 In some ways, you're on the right track. In other ways, you're not. Try writing an article using this advice (a real article, not just your userpage), and submit that here.
Reviewer: --Smokin' Cheddar BBQ: The King of the Triangular Snackfoods 00:17, 7 March 2009 (UTC)