Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/The Last Temptation of Christ

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The Last Temptation of Christ[edit]

Humour: 3 The humor you're going for just doesn't well here. A big part of the problem is the extensive use of true facts in the article (basically taking the plot and cast of "The Last Temptation of Christ" and just changing the ending to be about cereal instead of possibly marrying Mary), which takes away a great deal of the originality. While the image of Christ with the cereal is good for a giggle, the humor quickly gets old. If you want to still do something about this film, then try to find a different way to go about it.
Concept: 3 Concept is another big issue. It seems more like this was created from a passing funny concept rather than a thought-out, planned one. There's not much here to warrant itself to being an original, attractive concept. Like the humor, the idea gets old quickly. The concept only works if it can be supported by more than just the concept.
Prose and formatting: 6 There is a lot of empty space in here that should be closed up. Otherwise, this section is OK. Just go through and make sure the paragraphs are arranged to be easily read. You may want to break up the second paragraph in the "Controversial Content" section.
Images: 5 Like I said, the image of Christ with the cereal is good for a giggle. However, the rest (even the poster) aren't really that funny. If you wish to keep those in, then funnier captions (along the lines of what you wrote for the Christ picture) need to be included. Also, get the big black-and-white pic of Christ out of the middle of the page and move it to one side; it just looks awkward where it is.
Miscellaneous: 5 Nothing here.
Final Score: 22 I just seriously think you should redirect this article from where you have it right now. I get why you wrote it like you did (Christ being tempted by something that, supposedly, nobody can resist), and while it may work in theory, in execution it just doesn't transfer.
Reviewer: --Mr.Vib 13:48, 16 June 2007 (UTC)