Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/The Cosby and Hitler Show

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User:Train Tracker/Cosby & Hitler [edit]

Humour: 2 The humour is very limited. You could try to look for something smarter then stereotypes and popular legends that are frankly not even amusing
Concept: 4 There is an effort in the idea.The basic concept is good but the character of Satan and Hitler are not good. Change characters and storyline and it'll turn good.
Prose and formatting: 5 The writing is good. Change of vocabulary.
Images: 0 There are no pictures
Miscellaneous: 6 Although unrealistic, it is placed in a very plausible context.
Final Score: 17 Very limited. It can have potential if some aspects are dropped, such as Hitles and Satan.
Reviewer: --Apenguin 03:24, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

--Train Tracker 00:01, 5 June 2007 (UTC) work in progress, not sure what images to put, tell me if you think I'm going in wrong direction, I might add a few more episodes.