Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

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Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater[edit]

Yep. It's here. —Sir Guildensternenstein 18:10, 15 May 2009 (UTC)

Fuck it, seeing as how everyone else is going to ignore this, I suppose i'll have to do it myself. Saberwolf116 13:48, 16 May 2009 (UTC)
Humour: 9 Ha! That was a pretty good article, Guildy. Very few writers can successfully balance 1st and 3rd person, but you did it quite well here. I suppose my only real pet peeve is the constant linking to Sexual Innuendo and Gay. You said yourself in the later paragraphs that the joke has gotten old. I think you should be a bit more clever with the links. It's not much, but hey, i've got to find something to criticize.
Concept: 10 The long awaited sequel to Metal Gear Solid 2. You really have no problems with your concept, as it seems everyone was anticipating you creating this. I like how you blended the two styles of writing together to make one article- like I said earlier, it's very hard to pull that off.
Prose and formatting: 9 Meh. The formatting never really jumped out at me and said "UGLY!" so you're fine here. I suppose I can forgive the list in the "Characters" section, becausee it's required to explain everything away. You handled the dialogue well, too, and I see virtually no puncuational or spelling errors to speak of. Well done, Guildy.
Images: 8.5 They never really jump out at you, or have any very funny moments in their own right, but the captions make them pretty funny, and they blend (no pun intended) into the article very well. The only thing I could think of adding here would be maybe a picture of one of the other main characters- like maybe that "Para-Medic" who's always popping in to bug the crap out of you.
Miscellaneous: 9.5 My overall grade of the article.
Final Score: 46 I know this doesn't really seem like a helpful Pee Review, seeing as how I mostly praised your article lavishly, but I figured this was going to sit on Pee Review for months if someone didn't review it. I can't use my usual "this is VFH worthy" line, seeing as how it's already on VFH. My only recommendation is that you tune down the linking to Gay and Sexual Innuendo- that got a bit tiresome, and dragged down the article ever so slightly. Sorry if you didn't find this helpful, but I think no-one else would've reviewed it.

Bottom Line: Nearly perfect, all you need is a few minor adjustments. Good luck!=)

Reviewer: Saberwolf116 14:55, 16 May 2009 (UTC)