Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Knut

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--THE 22:01, 8 June 2007 (UTC)



I just want to know what I could improve on in this article that I wrote.

Humour: 5 A promising idea, but the randomness weighs it down quite a bit. The opening paragraph is good, keep that the way it is, but the rest of the article could use some work. If I were you, I'd leave the first paragraph the way it is, and work on improving, or rewriting, the other sections. Just try and focus the humor more on the rediculousness of this polar bear being a messiah (maybe Knut could have been a virgin birth, and he started curing the other animals in the zoo of fleas or something).
Concept: 8 As I said, this idea has much potential.
Prose and formatting: 7 Pretty good, for the most part. The "media" section feels kind of listy, though.
Images: 7 could use another image.
Miscellaneous: 6 As I said, the random humor in here is slightly annoying, and some of the jokes were kind of bizarre (like the insinerator thing and the Hitler's body thing).
Final Score: 33 Concentrate more on Knut himself, and try to tone down on the random weirness, and this should be a first-rate article. It's a good start.
Reviewer: --THE 22:01, 8 June 2007 (UTC)