Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Journeyman

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Humour: 5 It just seems flat and common.
Concept: 7 Great If only you watched the series. Which you obviously didn't.
Prose and formatting: 4 What we're suggesting is that let's just say that it's needs a little bit more work.
Images: 3 Is this even the required images this article requites.
Miscellaneous: 2 Just to even up the score, Please stop stealing humor and read HTBFANJS and the featured content.
Final Score: 21 See footnotes.
Reviewer: NXWave 03:03, 28 October 2007 (UTC)
As you can clearly see, The red hair and uniform suggests that she's a time travler.

I did not like the way you wrote the first sentence. "Journeyman is a confusing and pointless piece of shit TV drama created by white people. It stars an ancient Roman soldier best known for not being able to hide his British accent, and sounding vaguely like Kermit when he tries to talk all American-like. It airs right after Heroes because it really needs all the help it can get. " First of all, You are basicly making fun of the series in the wrong way. This series is about a Time Traveler with the power that he can't control, Not a roman soldier. Also we need you to stop using your mom and in the terms of your article, Stating only the negitive things. Would you kindly try to make fun of it in the style that Wikipedia does it? and if you don't know anything about Journeyman. We suggest catching up at NBC.com and try to focus on the important parts like the plot, relationship, emotion and the main character himself, and another thing that is optional, There is another Time Travler and her name is Mikuru Asahina. If you could probally connect it to Journeyman. There could be a chance at redemption. (probally not recommended)

Thank you for your time. --NXWave 03:03, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the quick feedback. The Roman soldier is a reference to the fact that the main star, Kevin McKidd, is best known for the HBO series Rome. I guess the fact you did not know that is not a good sign, although Rome was a pretty well known show.

The mom thing I'll remove. If I stole any humor I'm not really aware of it, can you be more specific?

I've seen every episode of the show.

Can you be more specific about the wikipedia remark? I basically used wikipedia as a template, so I'm not sure how much better I can do on that score. --YourMotherHasMyUnderwear 03:18, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

About that, You'll have to write it like a wikipedia article but with saterical humor. As Uncyclopedia is a parody of Wikipedia.

Remember, The way that the article is written, Makes it legible and funny. --NXWave 05:33, 28 October 2007 (UTC)