Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/India

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Humour: 6 The humour is a bit complicated. Remember, for the internet, dumb things down. Keep it simple. What does C, etc, have to do with India? The whole 'languages' link seems tenious. The states part is good - it is always nice to have images linked to the jokes. This is a long article, which means it could be improved by cutting away the less funny stuff.
Concept: 7 The concept is the country of India...which seems worth having an article about.
Prose and formatting: 9 Prose good is.
Images: 6 Good images, but not enough for an article of this size. Probably means you should make the article shorter.
Miscellaneous: 5 The article lacks a strong central humour theme, it starts one thing, then changes, etc. Often an article should be one type of joke - like Captain Obvious, otherwise the humour can seem too random. For an entire country article that can be difficult, but otherwise it puts a humour ceiling to the article. An article of one really well written joke is funnier then ten fairly good jokes tied together.
Final Score: 33 Keep up the good work.
Reviewer: MaxMangel 15:27, 12 June 2007 (UTC)