Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/HowTo:Write a Stephen King Novel

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HowTo:Write a Steven King Novel[edit]

Hey! Could you please check it out, give me some tips on how to improve it? Thank you! --Vanaelin 01:27, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

(Apparently these reviews were written by noobs who don't get the table, someone should try to do a real reveiw...)

Humour: 7 I dunno, it feels funny, but It just didn't turn out to be all that funny. I mean, it made me smile, but never actually laugh.
Concept: 8.5 Good Concept. You can do a lot with this, Stephen King and Maine seem like solid jokes.
Prose and formatting: 6.5 2 or 3 mistakes-I fixed a couple of spelling things, but other than that it seems all right.
Images: 7 Images alright, could get better/more relevant images.
Miscellaneous: 6 I really feel like there's a lot more you could do with this...see below.
Final Score: 35 Okay, you've got some decent jokes, a good concept, and probably a few ideas rolling around in the ol' noggin. But, I can't stress this enough, A good article takes a lot of work, and this one could use expansion. Keep at it. If you run out of ideas you can always check out Wikipedia's Steven King article. And, as always, read UN:HTBFANJS for ideas. Random jokes are easy to make and unfunny to read, beware their temptaion!! Oh, and Good Luck with this one!!
Reviewer: P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 22:37, 5 June 2007 (UTC)

Forgot to mention, don't forget to poke fun at King's choice to write in only one genre, and his alcoholism. 02:48, 6 June 2007 (UTC) P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 03:13, 6 June 2007 (UTC)

Humour: This article is hilarious. Perfectley described most Steven King novels. With work, I could see this on front page. However, it needs more work first. Make it longer.Add some more steps,like Plot, Characters, or . Also remove zzzzzz part of the publication, not funny. Rewrite setting, good idea but bad format. Make fun of Stevin King more and you should be good.
Concept: This is a good concept. I honestly dont know why anybody hasn't thought of this before.
Prose and formatting: I didnt see any spelling errors. Fix your borders, there is too much white space.
Images: Good number of images. The one of oreilly is ok and the one with Scroodge is funny. However the others are not, please huff them. Change the one with O'reilly to something with Steven King.
Miscellaneous: Star Rock
Final Score: Not reviewed yet 6 out of a ten
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Humour: I thought this was a really nice article, above average. You wrote the facts in a way that was funny - all Stephen King -novels really start the same and continue the same. I laughed out loud at the "It was a fine day - AND THEN EVIL CAME!" -part. Great job with that. Anyhow, I think you need more steps and the part with the publishing and so on seemed rushed. You can do better.
Concept: The concept was unique and it worked. Very good.
Prose and formatting: Well-written, I say. Didn't notice any mistakes with spelling.
Images: The amount of images was good, I thought the O'Reilly picture was really funny. The picture of Scrooge was a good one too. Don't know if that picture of Snape showed clearly what you were after with it, but I think it'll do.
Miscellaneous: The thing about Maine was really good.
Final Score: Not reviewed yet 8 out of 10.
Reviewer: Finntastic 21:45, 5 June 2007 (UTC)