Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Hersheys1

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Hersheys1[edit] 10:59, 30 March 2008 (UTC)

Humour: 8 When I saw that this review was for an IP address, I will admit that I did not have particularly high hopes for this review, but I am not afraid to admit that you did a VERY good job with the humour section. I was highly interested in how you spun up the development of Hershey’s, as well as your claim as to how Hershey’s appeals to “Dummies with no Taste” (Americans).
Concept: 9 There are a lot of food articles out there, as indicated by the table at the bottom of your article, but you did an outstanding job of placing in a multitude of comments, and you took the actual story and wrote one hell of a satire on it. I admired how you even included the part where the unnamed brother died penniless in Europe (Which, to the best of my knowledge, is true!)
Prose and formatting: 8 You did do an excellent job, with only two problems that I could find. With the “Did You Know” there is a way to put the text into a box with a “Did You Know” over it. I honestly think that would be a bit better, but make sure to keep the text, it did a great job in the article. Another small snag was the side bar, indicating hit points and mana and that kind of thing. Sadly, that was the only part I did not find particularly humourous (it just doesn’t flow with the rest of the article). Might I recommend taking a pair of scissors and trimming it out?
Images: 10 I would have to be completely out of my mind if I gave anything for a score aside from a 10. Your images were all well selected, and despite the fact I have seen the crazy fat kid thousands of times, I think it can tolerate another go. I will admit that I have never seen either of the other two images, which sincerely helped your score. My one and only recommendation would be to put the fat kid on the left side of the article, since he makes the right seem a bit cramped.
Miscellaneous: 8.75 Avg’d as per Pee Review guidelines.
Final Score: 43.75 As I said before, when I saw an IP address, I did not allow myself to get my hopes up, but you proved me completely wrong. I absolutely believe that this article is a work of brilliance, with only a few minor trims needed. Here is your homework.
  1. Find a way to get that Did you Know? template
  2. Place the fat kid on the left of the article
  3. Prune out the HP and mana references
  4. Nominate this article at VFH
Reviewer: Warm Regards, Javascap