Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Emma Watson

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Emma Watson[edit]

It has potential... for those who don't know, Emma Watson is the suffocatingly bad actress who plays Hermione in the Harry Potter movies. It could be a lot funnier. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) 09:27, 12 June 2007 UTC

Humour: 4 The first thing to do is to eliminate humour that has become tirelessly overused on Uncyclopedia. Most sex humour falls into this category - for example, "one of the foremost authorities in...whorishness" "fear of breasts and attraction to horses." Likewise, people such as Anna Nicole Smith aren't funny in themselves because they are used so often. You would be best to cut out most of the typical humour, keep your more original writing, and expand from there.

What I liked: more original stuff like "night-time nude strolls around Hogwarts under Harry Potter's invisibility cloak" - the idea of a person streaking but invisible is funny. And "a creature with the torso of a man and the legs and ass of a horse: just the way Harry likes it." - even though this is sexual, it's a bit different.

Concept: 5 The philosophy and witchcraft is not a bad idea, maybe expand upon that. I didn't really like the whole Daniel Radcliffe-horse attraction thing.
Prose and formatting: 6 Formatted properly. It's better to use fewer, better quotes than a lot of mediocre ones. One of the most important things in writing is what to not use. I try to keep my best writing and take out anything that weakens an article as a whole.
Images: 3 The one photo is okay; maybe find more. You can upload certain images from Wikipedia. Even boring photos can be good if they have good captions.
Miscellaneous: 5 I know it's not a great score but work on it. The main thing is to be as creative and original as possible, and rely less on the more crass or sexual stuff that everybody writes.
Final Score: 23
Reviewer: Sir Roger 07:09, 15 June 2007 (UTC)