Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Don Imus

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Don Imus[edit]

Just would like to see what people think of the article I originally created... --CFIF 20:28, 4 June 2007 (UTC)

Humour: 4 I didn't laugh during this article. Though this has to do with the concept. Improve the concept and you can improve the humor.
Concept: 5 I don't really like the concept because all it focuses on is Imus being a racist bigot, and it is extremely boring that way. This article just basically centers around Imus' racist comment. You could improve it by adding more material than just his Rutger's comment.
Prose and formatting: 7 You used way too many pronouns in this piece, and that isn't good. Pronouns reduce the overall quality of any article. Think of a better sentence structure and you can improve the quality of this article greatly.
Images: 4 You could have used better images for this. All they center around is your concept, which is good for an article, but the concept for this article isn't great. Improve the concept.
Miscellaneous: 6 Way too many quotes concentrating on nappy headed hos. The article says he has the fourth largest mouth in the world and the proceeds to mention four people that have bigger mouths than him, that isn't right.
Final Score: 26 Improve the concept, and this article will be able to be better.
Reviewer: --Scout JoshHJ's Page and His Talk 02:55, 5 June 2007 (UTC)