Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Desperate Dates

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Desperate Dates[edit]

Is there any more advanced formatting I can do with the table? It looks ugly and out of place. Also, I wasn't thinking straight when I named it.

This article is under review by
<font-weight:bold>Gerry Cheevers.

Sayeth Gerry: shotgun!!

DyslexicRetard 10:31, 6 February 2008 (UTC)

Humour: 7.33 average of scores. you don't have 'sections', per se, so i took the liberty of dissecting your article at my discretion for reviewing purposes. just don't be mad if i forget to put the spleen back in the right place.

into/a bit about me:7

not bad at all, some good chuckle-stuff. to beat the fat joke into the ground(which is a good thing), his email should be something like 'mrstaypuft@hamsteak.com'. good use of indirect links.

first 2 tables:7

good, but the left side is consistently funnier than the right side. come up with more specific stuff for his match than 'any', such as for hair color, using 'chicken...I MEAN blonde...'

last table:8

some great stuff in here, but the earliest memory part is just distrubing and not funny. also the lard joke gets stale by the end, but the part about rolling in a drum is genius, so maybe change it to a drum of m&ms or somesuch.
Concept: 8 it's been done before, but this is very well executed.
Prose and formatting: 7 your formatting is good except for those tables, which you mentioned in the intro. they do look awful un-official-ish. try asking spang if he has any ideas, he's a formatting wiz, or so i've heard. if he doesnt have an answer he can at least point you to someone who does. maybe he can even help you take out the menus on the left.
Images: 7 the images are pretty good, and they shouldnt be too polished or else it wouldnt look like an actual website. most of the captions are good, but the first guy on the left doesnt seem funny enough. maybe have it say something equally douchebaggy.
Miscellaneous: 10 i award you the full amount of miscellany points for including this article in the category 'hot babes you don't have a chance with'. it made me laugh. a lot. congratulations.
Final Score: 39.33 you've got a good one here. i see you final score is 39.33, making this article high in the 'adequate' range. with some tweaks, better tables, and one or two more opinions, i'd say this could be vfh.
Reviewer: --SirGerrycheeversGunTalk 21:52, 6 February 2008 (UTC)