Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/An article that contains nothing but a full stop: A Retrospective

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An article that contains nothing but a full stop: A Retrospective [edit]

Well, I've created a postmodern retrospective on my friend Randomator's article An article that contains nothing but a full stop. Though I got a few ideas off of Fisher Price: A Retrospective, it's all my own work, create from scratch... Enjoy...

Humour: 7 No real laugh out loud moments - but that's not always necessary. I was laughing inside.
Concept: 8 Interesting concept.
Prose and formatting: 9 Not bad.
Images: 8 What can I say? The images um... complemented the rest of the article.
Miscellaneous: 6 I've given this bit a low score because I think more can be done with the concept.
Final Score: 38 Good. Keep working on it.
Reviewer: -- defective Ape (legislate) (Riot Porn) 21:15, 8 July 2007 (UTC)