UnNews talk:Galactic News HQ announcement: Thousand years of 'Obama Darkness' finally over

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Obama's policies are not even CLOSE to socialism, you mouth-breathing hillbilly. And the second you people down in the Southern States get that, maybe your quality of life might even be improved by it! -- ENTER CITADEL T)alk C)untributions B)an 21:56, September 4, 2012 (UTC)

Well what about liberal News satirists in the Pacific Northwest - when will our quality of life be improved? --AKA The Pretentious Testicle GlobalTourniquetUnAstrologer, UnJournalist, shameless narcissistic America-hating liberal atheist award-winning featured writer 22:02, September 4, 2012 (UTC)
Hypster, I see that your initial comment above was accompanied by taking this UnNews to QVFD, for which RAHB has scolded you, appropriately. Whether Obama's policies are socialism is debatable. Whether it is funny to claim so is the only debate we should be having on this website. I prefer an UnNews based more on news, that reads more like news, and that plays it more down the middle (like mine currently on VFH), but GT's UnNews article is totally legitimate; wondering what extra-terrestrials make of the 2012 campaign is amusing and original. Spıke Ѧ 14:19 5-Sep-12
Wow, I thought Hypster was being facetious, but I wasn't sure. Spike, the article isn't about aliens, it's about our decendants finally getting through the thousand years of darkness that Chuck Norris's wife hilariously predicted recently if Obama is elected. Please click on the source. Thank you. --AKA The Pretentious Testicle GlobalTourniquetUnAstrologer, UnJournalist, shameless narcissistic America-hating liberal atheist award-winning featured writer 19:03, September 5, 2012 (UTC)
Just so it is clear, Hypster, with respect, the article is satirizing the knuckleheads, like Mr. Norris and his wife, who do call him a socialist (he does in the video on the link). It satirically posits that they are right and what it might mean for the future they are predicting. Click through source link(s) every time, not just my articles, to fully catch the satire. If there is no source link, I will always tag wit hthe Original template, and you can assess the "randomness" of the article accordingly. Thanks! --AKA The Pretentious Testicle GlobalTourniquetUnAstrologer, UnJournalist, shameless narcissistic America-hating liberal atheist award-winning featured writer 19:12, September 5, 2012 (UTC)
> I thought Hypster was being facetious

Of course I am. This is not my real personality and line-of-thinking, I'm just doing it to make me seem more interesting than I am in real life. -- ENTER CITADEL T)alk C)untributions B)an 19:45, September 6, 2012 (UTC)