UnNews talk:Australia won't rescue more Afghani; country "not big enough"

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"Immigrants? Refugees? We don't need no stinkin immigrants or refugees!" .... remember all this "All Muslims are evil jihadists" huge pile of crap? Remember why the Great Wall of Mexico was attempted and people rioted at in the Capital building in DC to force their guy in to make sure building on it was resumed? So, is it really any surprise that nothing was done about the refugees, given the internal terrorists who led the insurrection might actually succeed in overthrowing the government next time if Biden opened its doors to the same type of refugees from overseas who are trying to cross the borders from the south? Sure the Taliban is dangerous and wants to kill people that oppose them. Same with the drug lords down south that are destroying Mexico, causing people to flee the country in terror, only to find themselves accused of BEING the drug lords that they are running from. Biden isn't the one who closed the door to the southern border and even tried to lock out Spanish-speaking refugees. These days, getting across the border simply involves some paperwork BEFORE making the crossing, not trying to make the crossing while sick, and making sure one's vaccinations are up to date to avoid bringing things like plague across the border. Moreover, both political parties are SO polarized right now that there is actually a danger of a pending civil war. When a sitting Republican senator is treated as "disloyal" for signing a bipartisan bill on something as important as infrastructure that both Democrats and Republicans were able to actually negotiate, something is very wrong. The "MAGAts" will be the death of the United States as we know it. -- Simsilikesims(♀GUN) Talk here. 04:03, 24 August 2021 (UTC)

I understand you were ranting/venting to no one in particular, but aren't you making things just a teensy bit more polarized? Black comedy more effectively delivers a shaft of light into a benighted world, by making some unfortunate truths easier to swallow; some of us have disconnected from news media for this very reason. It can be paralyzing to watch world events unfold without control over them. Things in this world are scary these days, and forecasting vague doom helps no one. I think the article did a decent job of communicating in a dark comedy way; and this UnNews story is what led me to read the actual news story. Dark Web, White Hat (talk) 10:16, 26 August 2021 (UTC)