This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Spain article.
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I agree the old one was sooooooooooo hilariously funny, written by a genius. I too would REALLY appreciate it if anyone has a copy!!!
Have also just read the insulted reactions. This is UNCYCLOPEDIA, not WIKIPEDIA, it's meant to be daft not accurate!!! They insulted tons of nationalities and in doing so made their article hilarious. PLEASE SOMEONE REPOST IT HERE!!! The current one is rubbish!
And the translations were MEANT to be inaccurate, that's what made them funny! You people obviously didn't understand the sense of humour! They deliberately wrote the English badly as well as the Spanish. Please, somebody, repost the last one!!! 11:14, 15 February 2008 (UTC)
It was much better the other one!! where is it??
What a horribly written article[edit]
Well I've gone through this and cleaned it up as much as possible, removed all the typos and grammatical errors etc. I'm still not sure it's that funny an article, but what do I know? -- 22:29, 14 December 2007 (UTC)
Hi I just write here because I'd like to know what happened with the old Spain article of this site! Some days ago it was very long, full of funny pics, sentences, examples, history, people... and I laughed so much with it! It's completely ironic and bullshit, but reading it makes you have a very good time!(if you know how to read it and you're not so short, obciously). And I showed it to my friends (they're all catalan and spanish, and I'm basque) and they laughed a lot! Today I wanted to show it to other people and, when going to this site again and searching "spain", I saw it was another article, very short and not that funny it was.
What happened with the other one? How can I get it? Is there any way to do it? I need to read it again!!! please, some1, ANSWER HERE OR SOMETHING!
For the spanish who are complaining: espero que no haya sido vuestra culpa que se haya suprimido este artículo, porque en esta web hay mogollón de cosas mucho más fuertes y con un humor más cañero aún sobre otros países y nadie las ha borrado, porque es HUMOR, que luego queremos ir de dicharacheros y divertidos y estáis realmente dando imagen de gilipollas incultos por no decir de españolistas de mierda sin nociones de nada. Qué poco cosmopolitismo, la verdad... la España profunda resurgiendo... ¬¬' El artículo era la ostia, QUE VUELVA!!!!
Random rants[edit]
Then Yes rulez!`kkk
SPAIN IS NOT MEXICO, All the canis and bakalas are 3rst world persons gift-moroccian people.
The nation are common in europe, about the false tourist about germans and english when they
came to spain , always, all the topics out from their mouths.
The Map is not Accurate[edit]
The Portugal side is too big.
As everybody knows Spain is Asturias and the rest is conquered land!!!!
As say toon as xDDDDD
T N go L P P B N T S O
(read using English pronunciation, then it haves sense in Spanish. On the secon one, spell the words in Mayus.)
The map is actually accurate. We all feel Portugal as a part of spain, and Galicia-Asturias as a part of Portugal. King Alphonse of Portugal formally complained when King Ferdinand VI first used for himself the entitlement of King of Spain, telling him that "Why are you proclaiming yourself King of Spain, if I'm as much spanish as you are?". So, the dream future map is as follows: The name 'Spain' is held by Seville, Alicant, Madrid and Castellon, which became independent of the rest of the penis (peninsula). This is because, as Ferdinand VI did, these provinces belive that they alone are Spain, so the best thing we can do is let them to use the name and we'll use the spirit. This four provinces are toxic and a hopeless case, so let's apart them from us. Next is calling the new country "The iberian confederacy" and making all the iberian languages official and obligatory on secondary school. I promise you that this way all of us will be patriotic, wise and fraternal.
Spanish version:
El mapa no té cap problema. Tothom sent a portugal com a part de Espanya i Galicia-Asturias com a part de Portugal. El rei En Alfons de Portugal va fer una protesta formal a En Ferran VI com va fer servir per primera vegada el títol de rei d'Espanya, diuent que "Per què te proclames rei d'Espanya, si jo sóc tant espanyol como Tu?" Aleshores, el mapa dels meus somnys seguiría el seguent: El nom d'Espanya ficará amb Sevilla, Alacant, Madrid i Castelló, que seguirán independents del reste del penis (peninsula). Vull dir això perquè, com va a fer En Ferrán VI, Elles es creuen Espanya, per tant el millor que podem fer es deixar-las que fean servir el nom i nosaltres farem servir l'esperit. Aquestas quatre provincies son toxiques per les altres i un cas perdit, aixì que deixem-las al costat. El seguent es anomenar el nou pais "La Confederació iberica" i fer tots les llengues iberiques oficials i obligatories a la secundària. Us promés que així tots nosaltres seguirem patriotics, savis i fraternals.
SI, SI, EL CATALÁN TAMBIEN ES ESPAÑOL. Y por cierto, también puedo hacer el texto en Asturianu-bable, Galaico-portugués o en Euskara, o Fabla. Todas estas lenguas son tan españolas como el castellano. (Yo soy castellano, by the way) Lo único que no puedo hacer es traducirlo al Valencià, porque NO EXISTE. Dedicado a todos los que se creen España... Cada loco con su tema.
No entiendo eso de que el catalán es español. El catalán es una lengua que se habla en España, igual que otras lenguas y en otros sitios. No es exclusiva del estado español. Se habla en más estados soberanos y en alguno de ellos siendo lengua oficial única, como en Andorra (lengua con la que envía sus canciones a eurovisión, por cierto). ¿Acaso el catalán que se habla en Andorra es español? ¿Y el francés que se habla en Canadá que es, francés o canadiense? Las lenguas son de la gente que las habla, decir que una lengua "es propiedad" (?) de un estado o atribuirles nacionalidades demuestra muy poca madurez política y te deja en evidencia. Eres un crío.
Es la polla (( It's the dick ))[edit]
Me encanta, se nota que conoces España a la perfección.
La caña de España (The cane from Spain)[edit]
Olvidaste las frases celebérrimas (you forgot the very known sentences):
- Eresmás tonto que las piedras > You're more stupid than the stones
- Hablando en plata > Speaking in silver
- Aquí o follamos todos o la puta al río > Here, we throw the whore to the river unless all of us have sex with her.
- Aquí o follamos todos o tu novia al rio > Here, we throw your girlfriend to the river unless all of us have sex with her. 16:07, 7 Jan 2006 (UTC))
- Sabes más que los ratones coloraos > You know more than the red mice
- En tu puerta me cagué, pensando que me querías. Ahora que sé que no me quieres, dame la mierda que es mía > I shitted in your door thinking that you used to love me. Now, I know that you don't love me, give me the shit back, 'cause it's mine
Tu eres tonto, chavalote[edit]
Mira chaval, vamos a ver cual es tu problema, porque no se si eres gilipollas o te lo haces.
Casi mejor que a España no vengas, porque desde luego salta a la vista que no has visto ni estado en España en tu perra vida.
Quedate en tu pais primer mundista, y no escribas de lo que no sabes.
Un saludo
PD: Imbecil, pero mira que eres imbecil
== HIJO PUTA. (Wrote from a nerd "bakala" monkey)
Tu no eres más que un hijo de puta. No tengo nada más que decir. . No, no es un hijo de puta. Solo es Torrente el pobre. O mejor, es el hijo tonto de Torrente que estudió en un colegio público siendo de derechas. Si no matamos pronto a los torrentes, mira como se multiplican. ¡Todo por culpa de U.R.D.A.C.I.!
it is an example of spanish-nationalism cani,you can read more about nerd monkey on "cani" definition.
Ashley Giles[edit]
Is it worth mentioning that Ashley Giles is the King of Spain?
"pais primer mundista" ok , entonces tu vienes de uno tercer mundista,puto simio, seguro ke eres otro cani jicho de mierda,vete a bailar aseré por ahi mandril..
parece que se nos ha olvidao poner alguna cosilla,eh coleguilla??[edit]
I hope you undertand me.. I´m a spanish girl, and my lenguage is "madrileño cerrao"(if you want you can add it to your lenguages official list) but in this case I´ll talk to you in english, cos' I want you undertand me. Have you been in Spain?? If you were been here you should know that in Spain, people is all day dancing "sevillanas", burning things in the "fallas" and eatting "paella" with canarian bananas, typical spanish dish with dessert included. And we must go to Ibiza Island one time in each year for pry to Macarena Virgin, because if we don´t do it, Cruzcampo sir don´t make more beer in the rest of world history, and if we haven´t beer, people like you don´t came to you?? and we, the spanish people,need you!! cos' when you,the england people, are in our country, we know that we aren´t the worst people in the world.
love Nury
I love Nury too. We all love Nury ;-)
Hijos de puta guiris, volved a vuestro puto pais[edit]
Pues eso, dais asco.
haha hahahhahahahahahhahahaha we dont go from here mother fucker
For those of you who can't read spanish: I'm afraid I'll have to use spanish to explain the true nature of this webiste to some of my fellow spaniards. Provided their IQ isn't too low to understand that, of course.
Para mis queridos ESPAÑOLITOS: aprended inglés y así *quizás* os deis cuenta que esta página es una broma y que aquí se pone a parir a todo el mundo por igual. Entendido? aprended idiomas que tanto hablar sólo castellano os va a dañar aún más vuestros cerebros ultra-nacionalistas... vaya panda de provincianos... y olé.
ok, me parece bien, pero otros españolitos estamos hasta los cojones que muchos anglo-sajones y alemanes nos confundan con el tercer mundo o con sudacas en el peor de los casos y es verdad, por el turismo cutre y la garrulez kinkillera pixa de este puto pais,no todos somos garrulos y queremos cambiar esto aparte e prohibir las corridas de toros, tiempo al tiempo...
And what about Castille?[edit]
Ok, so Polaquia, Basque country, Andalusia, etc. they all get their share of pun. But what about Castille? doesn't it deserve at least one witty paragraph? Come on, we all want to be laughing stock!
Aquí la inteligencia no abunda....[edit]
Para los que decís: "putos guiris bla bla", no es por nada, pero el 99% de lo que hay escrito está puesto por españoles.
Panda de melones...
English version
Local scarcity of intelligence. For those who tell "fu.cking guiris and so and so and so"(gringos, bad word for anglo-saxon and german foreigners)I just remember by the way that a 99 per cent of that what is wroten here is taken down by spanirds. Nota: esto incluye al autor de esta traducción.
Mother fuckers,Spain sucks, is fuul of shit, dont go there.
Where is everyone?[edit]
Looks like this whole site has been abandoned by its former frequenters.
Spain does not hate America, in fact Spanish Government helped USA in iraqi war
- But the actual Government hate it, so Spain hates America.
En verdad, este articulo esta hecho en mayoria por españoles, y un poquito de ingleses/USA Un mensaje a los guiris ingleses: Os gustaria que hicieran en inciclopedia/Frikipedia un articulo asín de USA/Guirilandia???
i can't believe it/no me lo puedo creer[edit]
I can't believe the reactions of some spaniards. Are you out of your mind? Do you not have a sense of humour? This article is meant to be funny you idiots!!
No me puedo creer las reacciones de algunos de vosotros!! Estais locos o que?? No teneis sentido del humor?? Se supone que el articulo es gracioso, idiotas!!
- I know, it's super duper funny, right?
- Ich weiß, es ist sehr lustig, richtig? Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 15:45, 22 June 2008 (UTC)
-- 03:31, 28 July 2008 (UTC)
- That's nice. Thanks for reminding me. --MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 03:33, 28 July 2008 (UTC)
old version of spain page[edit]
In you can find the old versions of this and other pages:
Muy instructivo[edit]
Tres intiresno, gracias
Quite accurate[edit]
And those jerks who complain actualy prove that the reality is worse than the fiction. As a Spaniard, the only thing that infuriates me it is not this article, as it is pretty clear that it is just humour, but those retards who can take a joke as it is.
El artículo da en el clavo, y esos gilipollas que se indignan demuestran que la realidad es peor que la ficción. Como español la única cosa que me cabrea no es este artículo , ya que está bastante claro que no es más que humor, sino los subnormales que no pueden aceptar una broma. Menuda panda de paletos, vosotros sois lo que hacéis a España tercermundista.
By the way, anyone expects that anybody but a Spaniard would find funny or even understand the jokes in the old page?
PS "Madrileño cerrao" means a suburban chavette who works as hairdresser
PD La del "madrileño cerrao" quiere decir una cani de Pal-la cajera del DIA o peluquera de marujas.
Hey someone put this picture on this page please!!!111
- You can do that. The page is not protected from editing. --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 12:11, February 26, 2014 (UTC)