French accent
“Dont Do that”
Ze Frènch accent iz more tin a way of taulking to paepawl around ze world, eet iz ze languidge of ze classics, and et iz ze languidge of luv. Ze grreat Willae aun Whaels uzez a frènch accent tou fooul ze Wikipaedia saerveurz. It haz biine conntreauvaercial how baud ze grreat Willae aun Whaels iz.
Prahktize your frènch accent éverie déiylle bi lerhning a nu werd everree dei. Befoor yu no-ez, yu weehl bee a goo-d speeker and moor emportantlee, you weehl bee 'hable to imprezz zee ladieez, no? In ui ITVt
Famoose peeples who hav spokeen ze English weet a frènch accent[edit]
Manee famoose peeples hav spokeen weet frènch accents, and dey r, ow do you say, veree mooch in ze deman for ze patrees and for zeir out-looks on zi life.
- Maurice Chevalier- You say dat you ave neveer eard of ze grate Chevalier? Mon du! Ee was simplee ze greatest singing French Film Star in ze entire whirld!
- Louis Jourdan- Most peeple oooh do not know inny betor would pronounce eez first name as ze flat L-O-U-I-S, but Eee reallee pronounce eet Looie. And ze last name is not J-O-R-D-A-N lick the countree, boot SHOR-dan.
- Jerry Lewis - An Engleez speaker would sey, "fa-fa-fa!", but we say eet as SHEE-rry Lew-ESS! And Shee-rry Lew-ESS is greatest comedianne of all time, past, prezent or furtaire!
- Bridget Bardot - Ze engliz speaker say "Ho-ho-ho! Bridget Bardoe" but wee just call Er BeBe.
- Zee guy on ze stella artroz four advert
- Ze John Cleese "Ah fart een your jeneral direcsion!"
Sex of the word[edit]
If ooow want to speak with zee French accent, un, you must learn to insert ee sex of each word into wauiat u say. So let us asooom dat you are talking about ze o-tomobeel. Ze o-tomobeel, she is a woman. Ze o-tomobeel is sexy, no? So you would sea dat "She eezz my new automobile - she eez a Panhard LeVoisee-a." Now you try eet. Bon!
Now we try for a masculine non - a belt like u would se were around yer waste. So you would sea "My neu belt, Eee ez made of leather!" No you try eet. Bon!
Holy Madre! Wee are ooout of time![edit]
Ô, sacreubleu.! Oui oui! Eet iz alsso necessarie to youze ze accèns marques to furzeur confoun ze serveur et les garçons..Et bien, in ze words of ze immortal Capitain Haddock « Milles millions de milles sabords ! »
Doe you spaeak toe meutch Frènch? Viz iz a goude accent to spiik. Uncyclopaedia haz ruled ze Intaernet. Eat zome cheaazz at ze cafe!
Oh reuvwar. Youe pees of cheet.