Forum:An UnPossible Game
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Note: This topic has been unedited for 6409 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.
Just some type of "Game" I thought up. It's pretty simple, really, just try to guess what the next featured article will be. --Narf, the Wonder Puppy Thursday, August 9 6:49 (UTC)
- I'm going to guess Stereogram, my new favourite meta-article as of whenever it was created. Okay, so it not being on VFH might make this a bit of a problem, but... -- Whhhy?Whut?How? *Back from the dead* 21:47, 9 August 2007 (UTC)
The Featured article is Heavy Classical. New game. --User:Narf, the Wonder Puppy 5:35, 9 August 2007 (UTC)
- Call me nuts, but I think it's going to be Long walks on the beach. – Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize • writings • SU&W) 05:22 Mar 04, 2025 00:39, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
- Okay; whatever you say, nuts. --The Acceptable
(Fnord) 01:35, 10 August 2007 (UTC)
- Okay; whatever you say, nuts. --The Acceptable
The Featured article is EXPLODE!!!. New game. >:D --User:Narf, the Wonder Puppy 6:08, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
The Featured article is Easter Bunny. New Game. --User:Narf, the Wonder Puppy 6:18, 14 August 2007 (UTC)
Not to burst your bubble, but I think VFH and the feature queue make it kinda sorta obvious. – Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize • writings • SU&W) 01:54 Aug 17, 2007