Forum:Admin Proposal, check it

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Admin Proposal, check it
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6735 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

Alright, I got the idea while reading this forum. Maybe it's been done or proposed before, but here it is: an "Admin for a Day eh, Week" program? Huh? Now, I'm not sure what the procedure for "adminization" is and if it means this kind of thing can even be done, but i think it could help lighten the regualr admins' workloads a bit, and help some users who may never be fulltime sysops experience a taste of the power (let us pray they don't succumb to it). I know i'm probably gonna get a lot of opposition, for one reason or another, but i jsut wanted to see what people thought of it. P.S: i'm not doing this to be admin (i really don't have any desire for it), i jsut thought it'd be a cool idea. Don't kill me. Please. --Señor DiZtheGreat Honor me! CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 18:56, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

I'll do it, but I won't like it. With power comes responsibility. I do feel this is a groundbreaking proposal which might change the very way we think and feel. Nothing good can come of this. Nothing. Sig.GIF 19:14, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

I'd like to point out that currently, bureaucrats can only op users, not deop them. Staff, however, can. And why the fuck do you want to be an admin even for a day? Have you any idea how much shit we have to put up with? —The Right Honourable Major Sir Hinoa KUN UmP UotM Bur MDA NS CM (talk) 23:46, 19 October 2006 (UTC)

In answer to your question, because we are power crazy whoremongerers, who have nothing better to do, because we are t3h sux0r at humour and even though we have time to write articles, we can't. I like to think of it as my contribution to making HTBFANJS a reality, and contributing to the humour (and humor) of the site, without having to be creative. There should probably be guidelines for AFAWing, like a certain amount of posts, or days registered, or the backing of at least 2 (different) admins. -- Soul101 Icons-flag-gb.png~MAREPENT! 09:05, 20 October 2006 (UTC)

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