UnNews talk:Sen. Bunning blocks loot, embarrassing everyone

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This is an odd mix, but we'll see if people like it. The news is real. The description of Senate procedures is obviously total crap. The description of the U.S. unemployment compensation system is cynical but based on reality (except that it is only 99 weeks in certain, "high-unemployment" states whose state legislatures consent). The role of Senator Collins is real, but her remarks are falsified.

The assertion that the name of the Republican Party and its leaders cannot be determined is a running joke in my UnNews, based on Republicans' year-long unwillingness and ineptitude at opposing President Obama. The material about how it plays against next November's election is personal opinion.

My personal bias against both Obama and the welfare state is clear, but this is another episode where all parties are acting equally silly and self-interested, so I thought I'd see if I could summarize it humorously. Spıke Ѧ  20:10 2-Mar-10