UnNews talk:Mamboo Zulu tops Forbes list of world’s poorest people

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Brilliant! Takes a real story from the real news, makes one small change, to produce overt absurdity. Is not about UnNews, and is not about Funnybony.

The economic explanation for the trend needs work. It is neither true, clearly irony, or leap-out-at-you funny. But the use of the "outsourcing" and "call center" themes is good.

I tightened the lead paragraph and deleted the bit about SS number. It is indeed typical that "Tyrone" would not have one, but absurd that a newspaper reporter would ask about it.

When I rewrote the Style Guide, I copied the recommendation that authors use one of four punctuations after the place name. But then I saw Zim replace one of the recommendations with double dash ("--"), so I changed it to mandate that. Zim later told me that the non-ASCII em-dash that you are using makes the podcast throw up. I don't understand, but ask him for details. Spıke Ѧ 22:06 18-Mar-10

YEAH! Spike's on top of it. Sounds like I'm on the right track I'm happy to know. Thanks for fixing the news. Please edit as you like ANY of my articles or news. I'm really glad when you do.
Dude: I have no idea what a "non-ASCII em-dash" is, you mean double dash? Please tell me what to put. I only want to do things right. Cheers--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 22:46, Mar 18 <---SIG by MrN, don't be fooled into thinking I could do that by myself.

Current advice is, after the place name, to press space, then that button between zero and equal sign twice, then space. You are generating the character — as the separator, and when Zim sees these, he changes them to -- these. (ASCII--American Standard Code--refers to the characters you can generate on an American keyboard, without pressing Alt. Other stuff is non-ASCII, though many of these, such as vowels with accents, are insisted on by the Europeans and Brits here.) Spıke Ѧ 23:05 18-Mar-10

Pathetic copy of http://www.speld.nl/2010/03/16/forbes-publiceert-top-500-armste-mensen/ (in dutch but nvm). Should it stay?