UnNews talk:Bush vows to learn new tricks in the New Year

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The banner shows the true narrow-mindedness of Americans, so jingoistic in their daft religious crusade that is leading to world war. You don't beat guerrillas with traditional armaments, as Hannibal discovered at the time of the Roman Empire. Oh God, what an insult to naive American fighters in their loyalty to their misguided leaders. Go on - delete and be damned. The next piece and the next piece after that will in any event show the laughable bankruptcy of American despotic tendencies and satirise the increasing despair that their stupid policies are engendering. Didn't you folk learn anything, anything at all, from the Vietnam war? The leverage of the small terrorist cell makes all American efforts at so-called war into pure flatulence. The sooner people realise how similar Bush is becoming to Bin Laden, perhaps the sooner he can be ousted. The answer is to subvert and discredit religion and disempower the mind control that it brings about. You don't do that with bombs, which tend to have the opposite effect. 14:19, 10 January 2007 (UTC)

Calm down, man. Just put down the keyboard and walk away, and I might see you at the next protest rally. ^_^ —The Right Honourable Major Sir Hinoa KUN UmP UotM Bur MDA NS CM (talk) 14:24, 10 January 2007 (UTC)


The UnNews Political Correctness correspondent writes, \"Unfortunately, since reporting this UnNews piece, a number of hearty Uncyclopedia administrators have taken umbrage because they consider making America itself the subject of Uncyclopedia satire (and hence risking making America into a world laughing stock) to be an act so distasteful and appalling that they have marked this article of no redeeming value - not for reason of it being contrary to any Uncyclopedia policy, but because it undermines their fundamental assumptions, thereby making them insecure about who they are. Making people feel insecure, or allowing their latent insecurity to be manifested are both acts of terra-ism, which is all about generating - not destroying - security. Therefore I have to conclude that this piece goes beyond the limits that us Americans allow to be said about us and, as the worthy administrators have indicated, must be censored with all due haste.\" 11:23, 11 January 2007 (UTC)