Template:Language icon

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[edit] [purge] Template-info.svg Template documentation


{{Language icon|<language code>|<language name>}}


{{Language icon|eo}} displays: (Esperanto)


For the correct placement and other details, please follow the manual of style guidelines for links to foreign-language sites.

English is the default language, and does not need to be noted using this template, unless there is a reason the reader would assume the link to be in a foreign language (e.g. a foreign title).

See also


This template was created by User:Un-MadMax in February 2012, but was limited to a handful of languages. It's since been re-created, and sporked from wikibooks:Template:Language icon. As such, it is now licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL.

Spork.jpg This template was originally sporked from wikibooks:Template:Language icon.