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This is a documentation subpage for Template:InlineMedia2.
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.
To view the template page itself, see Template:InlineMedia2.

A template that expands to be an in-line reference to an UnNews Audio. As shown, the reference appears as a speaker graphic and "listen" or caller-specified text. It has been used, to provide an indication that a referenced article also has an audio version, in the following contexts:

  • after an item in {{RecentUnNews}}, when an UnNews is mentioned on the Uncyclopedia home page, and
  • before the Synopsis in any of the five graphics in {{Lead articles}} when featuring articles on the UnNews Front Page.


  • 1 - Title of actual article (required)
  • 2 - Text to display
  • filetype - Filetype, if other than .mp3. Example: .aac
  • notitle - If set to 'true', the title will not be rendered. This is recommended if you're going to use it in the end of RecentUnNews.
  • filename - If the filename is something other than the title of the article. This will also exclude the "unnews--" part from the filename. This WILL NOT exclude the filetype.



{{InlineMedia|India unveils prototype of $3 iPad}}


(Gnome-speakernotes.svg listen)

Alternate title

{{InlineMedia2|India unveils prototype of $3 iPad|'''India makes an iPad!'''}}


India makes an iPad! (Gnome-speakernotes.svg listen)

Files without UnNews-- beginning

Or rather, FAILS without UnNews-- beginning:

{{InlineMedia2|India unveils prototype of $3 iPad|'''India makes an iPad!'''|start=}}

This will produce a link for files without the UnNews-- beginning in the filename.

No title

Use Template:InlineMedia with the same functions, excluding {{{2}}}