Template:Fake categories

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This template fakes the footer category links at the bottom of a page. Generally "don't crack wise with nav templates" — categories exist to help the reader find similar pages. Pages like AAAAAAAAA! are too historical to amend; avoid it with new articles.

Symbol comment vote.svg Note: Messing with footer category links makes it practically impossible to add or remove them. When categories are faked, real categories usually break. (This page has been overridden so its real categories also display.)


  • {{fakecats|cat1}}
  • {{fakecats|cat1|cat2}}
  • {{fakecats|cat1|cat2|...|cat20}}

cat1 should include Special:Categories: with whatever text.


{{fakecats|[[Special:Categories|seirogetaC]]: [[:Category:one|eno:yrogetaC]] | [[:Category:two|owt:yrogetaC]] | [[:Category:three|eerht:yrogetaC]]}}

{{fakecats|[[Special:Categories|AAAAAAAAA!]]: [[:Category:A|AAAAAAAAA!]] | [[:Category:B|AAAAAAAAA!]]}}

{{fakecats|[[Special:Categories|-.-. .- - . --. --- .-. .. . ...]]---... [[:Category:Radio|.-. .- -.. .. ---]] / [[:Category:Oscar Wildeizms|--- ... -.-. .- .-. / .-- .. .-.. -.. . .. --.. -- ...]] / [[:Category:Featured|..-. . .- - ..- .-. . -..]] / [[:Category:Self-reference|... . .-.. ..-. -....- .-. . ..-. . .-. . -. -.-. .]]}}

Other situations

No categories

Any future application wanting to hide categories completely can copy what the deleted Template:Nocategories last used:


The above code hides #catlinks. It would be incompatible with {{Fakecats}}, because #catlinks can't both be hidden and manipulated.

Blank categories

Nihilism uses a separate stylesheet to fill the category links box with whitespace. The White Album uses a similar technique.