Talk:Richard Sharpe

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this page was clearly written by lesbians from outer space who came to Earth to battle the Empire of Dogometry, which was ruled by the Faggots of Asgard. They quickly defeated the Faggots in a carpet-munching contest and began their thousand-year reign during which they built fleets of mighty battleships out of nothing but Swiss cheese and empty beer bottles. The main resource required to build these ships was human snot, and the supply began to run low. It was discovered that the Second Coming of Napoleon was responsible for the snot shortage, and war was quickly declared. The defeated Faggots of Asgard were sent as a shock troop to try to bugger Napoleon the Second, but they failed and were sentenced to death by impalement, which it turned out they perversely enjoyed though it still killed them. Napoleon's hordes of bloodthirsty Centaurs then descended on the Empire firing nuclear-tipped arrows as they went. Soon the Empire was laid waste and little pet goats went around picking up bottlecaps. The End.

Doesn't sound like it's really about the authors does it? Article isn't even remotely related to Sharpe either. Lampooning 101: base it on what you're lampooning, don't just make it up out of nothing.