Talk:Gerin oil

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From Pee Review[edit]

Gerin oil[edit]

A peculiar name I admit, but read it and you’ll get the gist. Any comments on improving it? Weri long wang 22:32, 24 May 2007 (UTC)

Humour: 4.5 Well written but not all that hysterical. I think a diffrent approach from the religious angle is needed, unfortunatly it just dosen't seem to be working.
Concept: 5 Drugs and Christianity have been done quite a lot.
Prose and formatting: 6 Well written but needs a higher joke density. Make the humour less dry.
Images: 3 Nothing special.
Miscellaneous: 5 A bit more of this would improve it, by five million percent.
Final Score: 23.5 Overall it needs improvement.
Reviewer: --Winstanley1 12:31, 25 May 2007 (UTC)