This should be turned into hypertext. Where's MeepStarLives, that I might smack him over the head for thinking images are a good idea?
~ 01:21, 14 April 2011
Right here, I am. Smacked meself already.
It be sort o' the point though, having a giant image.
Joke article, and supposed to be awkward, between media and generations and the times and such.
Also, you'll have a hell of a time preserving the variety of newspaper-y fonts if you want to hypertext it. You'd have to embed, or *shudder* split the whole thing into smaller images..
Unless your goal is to completely emasculate an article that almost survived passably on VFH by changing it all into plaintext. -- 01:18, June 22, 2011 (UTC)
Second thought, you could link to a transcript - or just newline a bit and transcribe some of the more useful parts using wikitext headings and so forth. Elsewise, you'd kind of have to go about replacing the image and setting everything in that nightmarish mix of wikiformatting and HTML that passes for mandatory in this software. Just a thought. -- 01:23, June 22, 2011 (UTC)
- You can do a lot with hypertext, and with wiki syntax.
~ 02:56, 22 June 2011