Talk:Command Line

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That binary message at the end was sheer gold. --User:Nintendorulez 00:07, 18 July 2006 (UTC)

Answer to all discussions[edit]

RTFM. They should have something about the one helpful person whom tells you the proper command, however it does not work on your distro (AKA. on suse init 5 takes you to the GUI, hoever try typing that in on ubuntu (pakcage "init" not found would you like to download? Y/N, sorry this package is not yet supported, if you would like you can try and build it yourself.)


Freakingly funny. Binary message cracked me up :) Great work David! Clockwise 04:52, 18 July 2006 (UTC)

I wrote a python script that decoded the binary message... so I guess I'm slightly more sad than the person who uses an online translator, but less so than the one who can read binary. -- 02:28, 28 July 2006 (UTC)
Someone thought it'd be even funnier to insert 2s into it at random. Tut, tut... --L 09:01, 22 October 2006 (UTC)

To anyone who wants to read the binary, simply copy it into a text file named "decode", then type this into a file called "totext/ToText.class":

Êþº¾   2 8� �� 
totext/ToText� �� �java/lang/Object� �<init>� �()V� �Code
 � 	� � �� �LineNumberTable� �LocalVariableTable� �this� �Ltotext/ToText;� �main� �([Ljava/lang/String;)V� 
Exceptions� �� �java/io/FileNotFoundException� �� �java/util/Scanner� �� �java/io/File
 � �� � �� �(Ljava/lang/String;)V
 � �� � �� �(Ljava/io/File;)V	 �  � �� �java/lang/System� ! "� �out� �Ljava/io/PrintStream;
 � $� % &� �nextInt� �(I)I
 ( *� )� �java/io/PrintStream� + ,� �print� �(C)V
 � .� / 0� 
hasNextInt� �(I)Z� �args� �[Ljava/lang/String;� �keyboard� �Ljava/util/Scanner;� 
SourceFile� � ! � �     � � � � � �   / � �   �*· �±   � 
   � �   � �   � �   � � 
   	 � � � �   � � � �   } � �   *» �Y» �Y*�2· �· �L§ �² �+�¶ #’¶ '+�¶ -šÿï±   � 
   � �   � � � � 
 ! � ) � �   � �   * 1 2   � � 3 4 � 5   	 �ü �� �� � 6   � 7

... and run it using java -classpath . totext.ToText decode. Simple! -- 08:00, 29 December 2007 (UTC)

Man, that's awesome[edit]

You just made my day. Thank you :)

To: 200.161.x.x - Re: link[edit]

I apologize for my edit summary not being clear. I did *not* mean that the link was linkspam; I meant that I was wikilinking an occurrence of the term "Spam" as part of the same edit. The fakeness of the link was exactly the reason I put nowiki tags around it. Pentium5dot1 21:06, 28 October 2006 (UTC)

  • P.S. Sorry if I was a bit rude. It's not really your fault for misreading the edit summary; it's my fault for not writing it more clearly in the first place. Pentium5dot1 08:05, 30 October 2006 (UTC)
    • Belated clarification: I was just trying to kill two birds with one stone (and one of the birds was taking a microscopic bit of load off the world's DNS servers). The anonymous user in question reverted me solely on the basis of my edit summary, which admittedly should have been written more clearly. Pentium5dot1 01:34, 27 July 2007 (UTC)

Please consider reverting...[edit]

...the recent addition of lots of "AAAAAAAAA". Thank you. Pentium5dot1 02:24, 10 May 2007 (UTC)

This request has been cancelled. Pentium5dot1 01:34, 27 July 2007 (UTC)