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This could have been funny if it was not so disturbing, children are already suffering from such crimes. I suggest that the creator of this post remove it forthwith, least it is seen by those already committing crimes against children, and wanting to try something new. 19:03, 17 June 2007 (UTC)

From Pee[edit]

Hi. This is the first article that I've done on this site and I wanna know how I'm doing. Yeah, my article looks like it's been dragged through a hedge backwards, but maybe you could help me fix that?.. or something. I haven't got the hang of formatting and all that other crap yet. Hopefully the content's good though. Also, it's a little short. [Fishliketoswim]

Humour: 9 I laughed a lot. That was really funny. (Although others might not appreciate it)
Concept: 8 Pretty good length. People don't like readin too long articles, and I think too much longer, they would get bored
Prose and formatting: 8 Decently organized. Make more ways to splat 'em, and what it is.
Images: 8 That one is really funny, but I hope you can get another
Miscellaneous: 6 More links, some grammer errors
Final Score: 39 This is your first article?! Awesome job! Minor problems here or there, but it is excellent! Not everyone will like the humor, but that is ok. Good job, and good luck on Uncyclopedia
Reviewer: Fresh Stain Serq Fet of Pokemon (At your service)