Welcome to the Ministry of Truth
The truth does not exist.
We will tell you all the verity here.
Welcome to Oceania and enjoy your stay here! No tourists are accepted in this country but you can still enjoy yourself!
It is a great country in any aspect and that's why our anti-immigration laws are so severe. If they wouldn't be, imagine how overpopulated it will get!
And we also have plenty of free space here. We can accept as many people as there are in our whole world. By the way, talking about foreigners,
Have you, by any chance, heard something about Goldstein?
You don't know him? That's fine, don't worry, we believe you.
We will return to this later, and then you will tell us more than this.
So you want to know what we do? You are not allowed to know, being a foreigner and all. But we will tell you everything anyway.
To start with, there is truth. It always surrounds you. But the same truth never surrounds you for long.
This is why Minitrue is needed. We make sure that the truth that surrounds you right now is the right truth - the truth according to the Government.
"Now what about your government?" - you ask.
(This is actually another forbidden topic in Oceania. But don't worry, we are just letting you know. In case you are curious, which you seem to be and which you are not supposed to.)
Yes, what about our government?!
Our government knows everything we want and everything we would like to want, and this is why it does not have to ask us about anything: it always does what we want or what we secretely want but don't want to admit.
And if someone does not want it, then don't you think that it would be better if he started wanting it, considering that he will get it anyway, no matter what he thinks?
So this leaves us with nobody that does not want what the government gives us.
You should admit, that our government is very democratic! It all comes from us not having any secrets from it and from each other.
Now, talking about those who rule over us,
What do you think about Big Brother?
I think, we need to change the topic.
You don't even understand newspeak? Well, one more reason to go there!
Have you seen any guards yet? Me neither, but we should find some as quickly as we can. Your life currently depends on it.
And I forgot to tell you one last thing: if you want to survive in Oceania, the most important thing is not to rush.