Magnox is and always will be the leading type of nuclear power reactor, and is definitely not obsolete. It was made and then sent off to other countries except Israel and pretty much all of the Middle East as it was used to hold nuclear weapons in it. The name comes from its creator, Dr I. Hate Magnox.
Magnox was created in 1945 and is still in use today. Dr I. Hate Magnox was sick of his uranium blowing up in his backyard and ruining his vegetable garden, so he decided to create Magnox. He went to a local hardware store and brought some metal. Then he did some of his science stuff and out came a creation of Magnox. He then started to sell his product, but this brought on his downfall. He sold it to people he shouldn't have, and they used it for evil. He was so mad that he managed to turn Super Saiyan and killed all of them. He then gave it up and handed the company over to a descendant of Jesus, and one of black Jesus son, 50 cent. He gave this product a gangsta appeal and gangstas stop popping bullets in their homies' asses, they popped uranium. 50 cent was then shot 9 times by the KKK. He then sent the company off to the person that owns it now, Mohammed.
General description[edit]
Magnox reactors are pressured by someone blowing into it 24/7 as the radiator collects uranium that was imported from the Middle East. Every single one is identical. As this machine purifies the uranium it starts to boil it; then you can really taste the minerals. Then the uranium is pumped through and the CO7OOP8 mixes with the uranium that makes it nice and explodey. The new formula, which only Mr Shithead can pronounce, is pumped into a new filter where it is mixed with CO6CK and a bit of P4US6SY which starts to really liven up things. Then it is pumped out into bombs which are sent to Mr Bush and he does whatever he does with them.
Reactors in use[edit]

There are many of these systems all around the world, two of which are well-known. The first is the one at Thomas Shithead's house. It is situated in his back yard as he tries to extend the knowledge of mankind, but it was recently deposed because he didn't pay his mortgage. The other famous one is in Springfield. It wasn't all that famous until a famous TV star came to work there, none other than Homer Simpson. Since Mr Simpson began working there, the Magnox reactor has blown up over 15 times. Oscar Wilde loved Magnox, as he never had a reactor core in his backyard, and regularly visited the museum of Magnox.
Although Magnox has been highly reliable throughout the years, there have been a few incidents. The first was in 1332, when it claimed the life of Anonymous. As Anonymous was walking round endlessly he stumbled across a plant using Magnox. That night he was frustrated with something unknown, and he picked up a huge rock and decided to throw it at one of the Magnox tanks. When the rock hit the tank, it somehow managed to penetrate the side. As he stood there, the tank started to make a funny noise and suddenly exploded. He instantly died and he went flying into the dumpster, where he was later found. The company tried to cover it up because they didn't want anyone to know that they had killed the greatest writer that had ever lived, so they didn't say anything. Now we all know who killed Anonymous, so let's go kill them.