HowTo talk:Write like Tom Clancy

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From Pee Review[edit]

HowTo:Write Like Tom Clancy[edit]

Had this drivel on my userpage for a long time. I even managed to get some images in . As you can see, it's still bound to my userspace and will probably stay there for some considerable time, like all that other tripe I got in there.

This seemed like a good idea at the time, and reading it back I think it has some merit. I'd like some feedback on it and maybe some insights form you people on other Clancy stuff that could do with some proper attention within this here article . I myself have only seen some movies and refuse to read his drivel whilst there are propers books around still to be read. --Vosnul 16:02, 14 September 2007 (UTC)

Humour: 8 I don't read clancy but you've summed up what I've heard about his writing pretty well.
Concept: 10 Great idea. Original and it would appeal to a wide audience.
Prose and formatting: 7 The overall text is very well executed, just some typos to clear up.
Images: 7 Some more pictures of weapons would be nice since Clancy seems to whack-off over them. The rainbow six image is nice.
Miscellaneous: 8 Nothing much to add really, already covered above.
Final Score: 40 Really nice idea, looking forward to seeing it published. I would read Clancy to confirm the accuracy but I refuse to touch that stuff as well.
Reviewer: --Concernedresident 17:51, 14 September 2007 (UTC)