Codemaster | Score: 0 | Moves: 0 |
Suddenly, you feel a spark jump from the arena and strike the Penguin. And just as suddenly, the Penguin starts yelling random gibberish. The Penguin yells random gibberish at you. You take 5 damage due to too much randomness.
--- The Penguin: 100/100 HP 50/50 MSP Codemaster (You): 80/100 HP 5000/5000 MSP --- You are dazed by too much randomness and misses a turn.
--- The Penguin: 100/100 HP 50/50 MSP Codemaster (You): 75/100 HP 5000/5000 MSP --- You are dazed by too much randomness and misses a turn.
--- The Penguin: 100/100 HP 50/50 MSP Codemaster (You): 70/100 HP 5000/5000 MSP --- You are dazed by too much randomness and misses a turn.
--- The Penguin: 100/100 HP 50/50 MSP Codemaster (You): 65/100 HP 5000/5000 MSP --- You are dazed by too much randomness and misses a turn.
--- The Penguin: 100/100 HP 50/50 MSP Codemaster (You): 60/100 HP 5000/5000 MSP --- You are dazed by too much random......
You type in the cheat: Matrix Time Zone Time freezes and the Penguin ceases to utter gibberish. Only you can transcend the time freeze as you are the user of the cheat. You: Yes! wait... but how are YOU talking then? What do you think? I'm not in that arena AND I'm the narrator, if I stop talking you won't even be able to play in this game. You: Fine. ---