Victory | Score: 5,000,000,002 | Moves: You fuckin' won! |
You WIN!!! We are the Champions, my friends! We'll keep on fighting till the end! We are the Champions, we are the Champions! No time for losers 'cause we are the Champions... of the Zork!
Suddenly, ALL The Zork implementors and Unfocom Staff Come Out of no-where and take turns in beating you all over the place. Then, They summon 85 Grues to come and rip you to shreds, and then they throw your mangled body to A CABBAGE, that BREAKS EVERY BONE IN YOUR F**KING BODY, it spits out your mangled entrails, into the mouth of an Snuffleupagus, which takes a sh*tty Diarrhoea dump on your broken skull.
As you take your last breath, you feel relieved of your burdens. The feeling passes as you find yourself before the gates of Hell, where the spirits jeer at you and deny you entry. Your senses are disturbed. The objects in the dungeon appear indistinct, bleached of color, even unreal.
You appear to be made of a translucent floating white substance. There seems to be a golden halo hovering above your head. |