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 Elevator Score: 420 Moves: 177

The elevator doors close behind you. You press the 'lower lobby' button.

Time passes, and that music plays again.

You shortly realise that the music sucks.

The doors open on the 32,011,980th floor. A Mars Rover roves in and presses the button for floor 5. The doors close.

Time passes, and that damn music plays again.

The doors open on the 312,076th floor. A cleaning lady and an Ohmu come in and press the button for floor 1066. The doors close.

Time passes, and that awful music plays again.

You start longing with all your heart for the choir of Heaven.

The doors open on the 1066th floor. They depart, and a lean and hungry gentleman holding a dagger sidles in and presses the button for floor 512. The doors close.

Time passes, and that horrible music plays again.

The gentleman coughs loudly, and you instantly wonder if he was trying to disguise a fart.

You find yourself breathing through your mouth for the rest of this journey.

The doors open on the 988th floor. A flying snitch flutters in and presses the button for floor 156,801. The doors close.

Time passes, and that godawful music plays again.

You shortly realise that compared to the perfection of Heaven, everything is an unending hell of torment and misery.

The doors open on the 512th floor. The gentleman departs. The doors close.

Time passes, and that terrible music plays again.

You start searching around for a means to skewer your eardrums, but the elevator is dismally bare of such implements.

The doors open on the 5th floor. The Mars Rover roves out. The doors close.

Time passes, and that terrible music plays again.

As the music loops for the three trillionth time, you let out a wail of agony and pound the walls of your rectangular prison, cursing the names of God, Satan, Jimmy Wales, your mother and the Zork narrator, in that order. This expenditure of rage cheers you up a little bit.

The doors open on the lower lobby.