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 9/11 Score: 0 Moves: 0

> dial 9/11

You dial 9, slash, 1, and 1. Someone answers.

> "Hello, is this 9/11?"

"Uhh, yes."

> "Just wondering - is it true that you were actually planned by the Bush Administration and covered up by the CIA in order for the New World Order to conquer the Middle East as the first step in bringing about the Second Coming?"

"Geez! WHEN will you people stop asking me those stupid questions?! I tell you, nobody ever asks about my long-term historical significance! It's always just 'Were you faked by the Freemasons or NASA or-"

Click. The line goes dead. You suddenly hear the sound of approaching choppers.

> run

It's too late - the black helicopters have landed, and the stormtroopers are holding you down while a guy injects you with an air-filled syringe.

*** Ouyay avehay iedday ***

Ouldway ouyay ikelay otay artstay overway, estoreray away avedsay ositionpay, orway endway isthay essionsay ofway orkZay? (Ypetay ESTARTRAY, ESTORERAY, ORWAY ITQUAY)