Forum:Rouge the Bat

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Rouge the Bat
Note: This topic has been unedited for 1382 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.




Now that I got your attention, I would like to notify everybody about a major situation that has occured. The Zimbabwe dollar has been devalued! No longer does it cost you Z$10,100,000,000,000 to buy a bottle of water, it only costs you the low, low price of Z$1,010!

If you have any inquiries as to how to trade in your hundreds of billion-dollar bills, please contact the proper Zimbabwe authorities, Robert Mugabe's secretary, or your local Nigerian prince. Thank you! ^_^ - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 18:50, 31 July 2008 (UTC)

My sister gets this sort of thing on her Email - you should always reply, and be part of the latest telmarketing scam.--Sycamore (Talk) 21:04, 31 July 2008 (UTC)
Fucking Zimbabwe, always trying to destroy my hard-earned wealth. On a completely different topic, how does everyone manage to typo "rogue" as "rouge", but when they actually type "rouge", it comes out "rogue"? Ж Kalir hippies! yay! 04:46, 3 August 2008 (UTC)
Got your answer Right here :3 - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 04:56, 3 August 2008 (UTC)

A loaf of bread in Zimbabwe costs Z$3! - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 01:40, 5 August 2008 (UTC)

Crude Oil has dropped below $118 a barrel! - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 18:33, 6 August 2008 (UTC)

Olympics start tomorrow. - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 17:03, 7 August 2008 (UTC)

If you really wanna tell something interesting, I'll help you. 18:07, 7 August 2008 (UTC)
After "Obama Girl" was dumped by Barack Obama, she developed a crush for Mike Gravel.



Just a few weeks before, Mike Gravel had become world famous for throwing a rock in a lake:


File:Mike Gravel - Rock -

I thought this was about Rouge the Bat? Not some chick looking for attention? :O - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 19:51, 7 August 2008 (UTC)
Did someone say Rouge the Bat? --Aljolson.jpg Hi, hey! I'M A MOTERFUCKING NIGGER BITCH LOVER Aljolson.jpg 19:54, 7 August 2008 (UTC)
No, I said Natural Born Kielbasa. - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 19:56, 7 August 2008 (UTC)


Lots of thunderstorms are rolling through the USA and Canada today. - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 23:41, 7 August 2008 (UTC)

Lightning Rouge.jpg
And I'm sure that has a lot to do with Rouge the Bat, no doubt about it. 17:15, 8 August 2008 (UTC)
Epic win! - Rougethebat.gifAdmiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 17:18, 8 August 2008 (UTC)
Indeed. 17:44, 8 August 2008 (UTC)