Forum:Picture Wars: Forum Edition2

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Picture Wars: Forum Edition2
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5479 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.
Picture Wars
1 | 2 (Archives: 1, 2)

This page may contain some graphic material because there is no rule against inappropriate stuff.


Basically one person posts a picture and another user has to try and beat, or destroy or compromise that picture.

For example, if I had a picture of a fish, the next picture could be someone eating sushi.

As always, there should be some rules to stop it becoming repetitive and pointless, and they are:

  1. No nukes
  2. No intergalactic galaxy destroyers
  3. God and Chuck Norris aren't playing
  4. No black holes
  5. No Rick Rolls
  6. No weapons of mass destruction
  7. Try and keep it funny, eh?
  8. New If nobody posts for 3 days you are allowed to counter your own picture.
  9. No cocks or anything around that level of grossness (unless you really want to).
  10. After you place your picture please add your signature.
  • Archived
  • Archived
  • Archived


It's definitely been more than 3 days... CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 00:00,31March,2010

Milton.jpg 3-5 tildes


CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 19:33,31March,2010

Zombie reagan.PNG

Zombie Reagan loves to eat cats -- Skinfan13 15:42 EST 31 Mar, 2010


Zombie BIll Murry beats Zombie Reagan. CheddarBBQ+Talk=YUMYUM 19:52,31March,2010