Forum:Nobody cares about these new forum topics

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Nobody cares about these new forum topics
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6505 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

About these new BHOP forum topics,

Nobody cares

--Starnestommy (TalkContribsFFSWP) 05:06, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

Does anybody care?
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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 08:04, 28 July 2021.
poll-id 7FEEF25611EDBE95708D031B46873D19

I believe this is a false choice. The real issue is:

Who cares about voting?
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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 08:04, 28 July 2021.
poll-id AAD34352724400C2D4E4630F9360263C

--The Acceptable Thinking cap small.png Cainad Sacred Chao.png (Fnord) 05:19, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

What do you think of this forum topic?
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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 08:04, 28 July 2021.
poll-id 7911206A46439060831606D7B006228C

--AAA! (AAAA) 06:55, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

Are you apathetic about this whole whateveritis?
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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 08:04, 28 July 2021.
poll-id A4BB0C2CEC84AE475AC791235F254470

Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 08:12, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

Cares for hair band metal band shredding over callous box nodules.
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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 08:04, 28 July 2021.
poll-id D0EC9706347561A5CDFA390025933591

--General Insineratehymn 17:17, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 08:04, 28 July 2021.
poll-id 58CF4C389207123A020795D266EAA794

--Capercorn FLAME! what? UNATO OWS 02:54, 7 June 2007 (UTC)