Forum:Indefinite IP blocks part 2

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Forums: Index > Ministry of Love > Indefinite IP blocks part 2
Note: This topic has been unedited for 2293 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

The unblocking project is completed for IPs. There are all different kinds of tags/descriptions on continued blocks, but they are all spammers with a few long-term/multiyear repeat vandals included. Some observations:

Unblocking clean accounts from the Peoples Rep. of China was done, but would anyone there be allowed to post here? In any case, the era of spam from China and Russia is pretty much at an end, though others elsewhere in the world continue to be active.

Dynamic IPs have been conflated with proxies, which they can be but are not really. But spammers know where to live and that is behind dynamic IPs. Still, blocking dynamic IPs for a time is fairly useless and most of these have been unblocked despite a current record of spamming.

Speaking of spam, it looks like "professional" trolls have been reported as spammers here and elsewhere. If still active upon review, I've kept them blocked regardless.

Range blocks on the list mostly remain; those are still proxy sites, still deserving of being blocked. It's a very small number of IPs blocked and probably not large enough anyway to be effective. But at least we have some record of proxy sites. Dynamic IPs that were range blocked were unblocked. The abuse filter and the earlier un-abuse filter have their own range blocks set somewhere else, like for the Nightly News Vandal. I've left blocks for the latter and similar offenders only because unblocking individual IPs wouldn't matter. I think those range blocks should be kept anyway. A future evaluator can always decide on that later. --Nigel Scribbler sig2.png (talk) 04:52, November 26, 2018 (UTC)