Forum:Honk to Impeach

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Honk to Impeach
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5685 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

So yeah, you know those people. Holding up signs or putting bumper stickers about one doodad or another. Honk if you like Jesus, honk if you think reggae doesn't have enough accordion music, honk if I cut you off, whatev. Right now, we've got a whole different annoying slogan here. Honk if you want to impeach Manticore. Okay, maybe impeach isn't the right word, but you get the idea.

You're probably wondering "what's this ranting derelict hobo talking about and why hasn't he asked for spare change yet?". See, the Uncyclopedia Quote DataBase is patrolled by a number of admins, who keep the quotes from being poorly-formatted HTML linking to "curves right downward penis". Manticore is one of these admins, and a number of users (myself, AAA!, DjGentoo) think he's a very poor admin. He removes quotes he doesn't find amusing after they've been approved by other admins and voted up by other users, edits quote comments to be an annoying prat, and generally abuses his power, and the QDB is visibly worse off for it.

I'm sure you've noticed stuff like this yourself, so go ahead. Honk if you think Manticore should be impeached. Ж Kalir, Crazy Indie Gamer (missile ponies for everyone!) 23:49, 29 November 2008 (UTC)

Honk Away


Score: 3 honks
Carlb, as far as myself and additional admins are concerend D.G.Neree is an inifinibanned troll, band on both the site and the IRC for a reason. I would hardly use any reference to him as any kind of an argument regarding Manticore, who has done more than his share to help this site. Also, I have to say that I'm quite unhappy with this whole "impeachment" forum. Since when exactly do we have forums like that? Did you try talking with another admin before resulting to this forum? Did you talk with one of the bureaucrats? Do you think this is the best way to solve this issue? ~Jewriken.GIF 22:25, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
See also. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 23:48, Nov 30
  • Honk He unblocked the main page on the namespace switch day. Necropaxx (T) {~} 17:39, Dec 1
And subsequently apologised quite eloquently (something that several admins appreciated greatly) which is more than any of the other participants in that morning's nonsense have done. Besides, an amnesty on those events has been declared, hence the reason VampireGirl's battered and crucified corpse isn't on public display in the foyer. Next. -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 18:09, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Well then. Never mind. /me wilts in a corner. Necropaxx (T) {~} 17:15, Dec 2
Sorry Necropaxx, didn't mean to sound like I'm having a pop at you. Just wanted to present all the facts for clarity. -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 18:15, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

Imapple Manticore

Score: 2 core

All aboard the drama train

woo-woo! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 23:04, Nov 30


(i.e. one big mighty abstain.)

WOO-WOO!--Nachlader 23:13, 30 November 2008 (UTC)

Does this mean I don't get my apple? User:Fag/sig5 13:30, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

This page reeks of fail

As usual, my good friend Mr. Mordillo put it very well, and all I want to do is add my two cents. Has any other attempt at dispute resolution been attempted before stirring up this pot of drama? If confrontation's not your thing, why not speak to another admin or bureaucrat and ask them what they think? As far as I'm aware, this hasn't happened. I'm also less than impressed with Carlb attempting to bring old dead issues into this discussion, particularly as DGNeree thoroughly deserved whatever sanctions were taken against him; I witnessed his trolling first hand. This is pathetic and ridiculous, and you need to stop acting like petulant schoolchildren crying to teacher to put little Johnny in detention. Either speak to Manticore about it, or speak to one of us, but don't stir up more drama; take some personal responsibility. -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 14:01, 1 December 2008 (UTC)

Just to back up what Codeine said this bitchy lynch mob activity is crappy. I think people forget the amount of good Manticore has done protecting all of our work. Sure he sliped up, but I've lost count of the fuck ups I've done here and in my life - to reiterate what I said on the IRC a week ago on this matter (fucking quotes) = discuss your problems.--Sycamore (Talk) 18:13, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Still no apple. User:Fag/sig5 18:16, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
This is disgusting. sirErr.gifsysrq @ 22:24 Dec 1
Actually, yes. I brought this up with the dude beforehand, asking about why quotes were vanishing. His reasons were less than satisfactory, at least for myself, and we didn't reach a resolution. The problem persisted even after bring it to his attention. I've also brought it to the attention of quite a few sysops on IRC, both those of QDB and Uncyclopedia itself, but nobody has been able to offer a solution that would either resolve the issue or point me out as in the wrong. I like to think that I've gone with the more reasonable methods of handling this first. Ж Kalir, Crazy Indie Gamer (missile ponies for everyone!) 00:26, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Many of the IRC/QDB admins are not sysops on the site. Also, some of the active sysops on the site don't enter IRC that frequently. For future reference- the best way, in my opinion, is to leave a message on another active admin's talk page on the site itself. Better still, a Bureaucrat. ~ Mordillo where is my CHOAD? 16:17, 2 December 2008 (UTC)


I spoke to Manticore on IRC today, and directed him to this forum. We've agreed that if he has any doubts about quotes or anything QDB related, he'll run it past me before taking action. He also pointed out that some of the deletions he's been accused of weren't actually him, and I have no reason to doubt him. I trust this settles the matter. Let me re-iterate; if you have a problem with an admin, ask a bureaucrat first and foremost. This whole page could have been avoided if someone had just left me a talk page message. Here endeth the sermon. -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 18:15, 2 December 2008 (UTC)

However, I am a devout Muslim and I don't believe in sermons. I think we ought to behead the infidel Manticore and set fire to his family. Then we shall finish the day with virgins and apples! --Nachlader 18:37, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
Really? I'm devout muslin. I'm so soft and cotton and soft. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 22:15, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
How funny, I'm a devout muscle. I'm a bivalve shellfish that lives on the seabed. I'm so soft and tough-shelled and soft. sirErr.gifsysrq @ 22:21 Dec 2
What a coincidence, I'm a devout mussel! I'm also a bivalve shellfish that lives on the seabed, but I know the difference between aquatic mollusks and contracting tissue. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 22:41, Dec 2
Dear lord, I was going to go with muscle and then I forgot to change my spelling. I thought about it, too. I really did. I'm not an idiot. sirErr.gifsysrq @ 03:42 Dec 3